LETTER: Dangerous roadside parking should be a priority

Drivers are now 13 times more likely to receive a ticket than a decade agoDrivers are now 13 times more likely to receive a ticket than a decade ago
Drivers are now 13 times more likely to receive a ticket than a decade ago
I was interested to read in the Derbyshire Times recently about the large number of parking fines issued during the last three months to the users of Holywell Cross car park.

Obviously much time and effort has been put into this by the parking enforcement officers, but I must question whether they have their priorities right.

In Eyre Street at Clay Cross there are double yellow lines down both sides of the road, which I assume are there for safety reasons and to keep the traffic flowing freely.

And there is also a free car park on the street.

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Vans and cars park on the double yellow lines morning, noon and night, making it very difficult, in fact impossible at times for large vehicles to turn left onto the street and also blocking off the bus stop.

These parked vehicles have made it such that there has been an accident waiting to happen on this road.

Could I therefore ask that some attention is given to this illegal parking, which in my view is much more important than giving out parking fines to drivers who have parked a few minutes over their time?

Neville Whitmore

Little Morton Road,

North Wingfield