COLUMN: There's no such thing as the perfect mum

When I am out and about I enjoy talking to other parents. I also enjoy seeing all the different types of mums and their relationships with their children.

Clingy mums, shouty mums, busy mums, gossipy mums, super mums, and my favourite, flawed mums.

I don’t judge. At some point we are all these things and more.

When my daughter was a baby I took her to various groups.

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I was shocked to see how well presented some of the other mothers were. One mum rocked up to every session in six inch heels, flawless makeup and bejewelled cardigans, not a hair out of place. She had a perfectly turned out child and spoke of delightful baking days, crafting and no TV ever.

I used to leave feeling like a failure. I’d not managed a shower, these jeans were out of the wash basket and my little one was ripping the fire extinguisher off the wall.

I am not organised. I thought having a child would change this. It did not. I would leave the house without wipes, nappies, snacks….the list went on. I relied on organised mums. One friend even loaned me her ‘third spare buggy’ on one trip. I couldn’t even remember to bring one. I’m sure the reason I breastfed was because my boobs were one thing I couldn’t leave at home.

In my mind, other mums had it all sorted out. When they baked, flour didn’t end up all over their child.

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